Liebster Award

This morning I got on WordPress and read the blogs on my feed. It’s becoming part of my everyday routine… wake up, check emails/social media and then read blogs. This routine seems to be getting longer and longer because I keep finding more fun blogs to read!

That being said, when I was reading my blog friend Molly’s blog, I noticed that she was nominated for the Liebster Award (yay Molly!). You can read the official rules here, but I’ll give you the SparkNotes version. Basically, you get nominated by a fellow blogger welcoming you into the blogging world, you answer questions that the person who nominated you gives you and then you tag other bloggers and give them 10 questions to answer! This is such a fun way to find new blogs and get to know people.

Molly was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award! I give her full credit for finally giving me the push to actually start blogging – thanks girl! 🙂

Here are my answers to Molly’s questions!


1. What is a “color” of your life and why? (Interpret to your own meaning, look at my list if you need to!)


I think lately my life has been, to simply put it, happy.
Summer is coming, and if that’s not a reason to be happy I don’t know what is!
If I had to give happiness a color, it would be yellow.

I think it’s so important to focus on the positives and good things that come into our lives, and when we think of these happy things, we immediately smile.

Side note: If anyone sees a cute bright yellow purse, let me know 😉 I’m on the hunt!

2. If I were to ask one person 7 questions about you that they had to answer all correctly, who would it be?
I’ll give you a choice of who to ask, Molly 😉

3 of the ladies who’ve known me the longest and never left my side.
My mom, my grandma and Lauren.


DSCN2924Here’s a little throwback to our high school graduation. 

3. How’d you come up with the name for your blog?
My mom and I were trying to think of things that would go with Randi for a long time. There are only so many ‘R’ words that sounded good or made sense. I was telling my friend Julie how my mom and I like Renditions by Randi and she suggested changing the spelling to Randitions so that it had my name in it. 🙂

4. Where did you go to college/what was your major?
I go to a tiny school called Saint Vincent College. Isn’t it pretty?
I’m majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and Advertising and minors in Children’s Studies and Children’s Literature. (It’s a mouthful!)

5. How did you get your name?
My parents wanted a boy. And then they had me. Hence, Randi.
For those of you who don’t know, my real name is Miranda (my professional name, you know, incase I become a famous doctor, lawyer, writer or something).

6. What cheers you up when you’re having a bad day?
Friends. That was easy.
I’ve been so blessed to make the friends that I have in college.
They’re the type of people who make my problems their problems. I love those kind of people.
Check back soon, I’ll be posting about what I’ve been up to with all my girl friends recently!

7. Morning person or night owl?
Definitely neither. I prefer the middle of the afternoon. I don’t like waking up early, nor do I like staying up late. I’m a girl who appreciates a good night’s sleep!

8. If you had to be trapped in a tv show for an entire month, which show would you pick? And what would be your role?
Oh man, as much as I love Grey’s Anatomy, I could never be stuck in the show for a month. I would pass out on day one!
I guess I would like to be stuck in the series of Gossip Girl, who wouldn’t?!

I think I would like my role to be the girl with a giant shoe closet who dates Nate Archibald – sounds like a good role to me!

9. If you could wake up in the body of someone else tomorrow, who would you pick and what would you do?
Carrie Underwood, performing somewhere fun.
Her hair, her legs, her husband, her faith, oh yeah and her voice – girl’s got it all.
Sometimes when I’m driving alone, I pretend I’m her when her songs come on the radio 😉

10. What is your weirdest quirk?
Don’t judge me, but my weirdest quirk is that I don’t eat or like bread. It’s not to save myself from eating carbs, trust me I eat plenty of them. I’ve just never liked bread. It’s a texture thing. I’ve never eaten a PB&J or ham and cheese sandwich. I know what you’re all thinking… “this girl is SO weird!” I do like some bread related things such as toast and Olive Garden breadsticks, though! 😉

I would like to nominate my fellow blogging Bearcats:
Greta at A Chic Minute
Elle at Elle Whitney
Abby at Grit and Grace
Hannah at HighEnd Hanny
Sarah at Pittsburgh & Pearls

And a few bloggers I’m loving lately:
Christina at Hello Guanster
Diana at My Lovlier Days 

10 questions for you all:
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. What does a normal day in your life look like?
3. What is the best job you’ve ever had?
4. Where is your favorite place to shop? (If you say Loft, we are automatically best friends!)
5. What is your favorite meal?
6. What is your favorite accessory?
7. If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go and why?
8. What’s one beauty product you cannot live without?
9. What’s your favorite season and why?
10. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 3 things, what would they be? (Real original, I know)

Have fun!


11 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. kyliemcgraw says:

    Can we be friends when we’re in Gossip Girl world together? PS you’re not making my blog reading time go by any faster by posting a bunch I’ve never heard of that I now have to click on and read……. 😉


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